2009年6月28日 星期日

Vonnie Lui @ SW- 雷凱欣 @ SW

All thanks to one of my best friends- Vonnie Lui(http://www.wretch.cc/blog/lilsiuyan) (Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Vonnie-Lui-/49538796595)! She’s my only tanned friend and I’m her family in Taiwan. Maybe because we both love the sun, people always get us mixed up. Whenever Vonnie sits in the shop, people would come up and call her Kaori! Even Burner’s Mom came in, looked at her closely and said “This is Kaori!”. Vonnie is a pop singer, actress and model in HK, she’s also one of the owners of Banana PR company(http://banana.la/). She comes to Taiwan very often. It’s more like coming home to Taipei rather then travel to Taipei.

Welcome home, Vonnie babe!

感謝好姊妹- 雷凱欣(http://www.wretch.cc/blog/lilsiuyan)(Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Vonnie-Lui-/49538796595)全力相挺! 她是我唯一和我一樣黑的女性朋友,在台灣我是她的家人。或許因為我們一樣熱愛陽光常有人把我們兩個搞錯。只要小欣坐在店裡,就會有人叫她香織! 連寶媽都可以認真近看還是說 “這是香織啊!”小欣是香港女流行歌手演員模特兒,另外也是Banana活動企劃公關公司 (http://banana.la/)的老闆之一。她來台灣就像進自家廚房那樣。我總覺得她不是來台北而是回台北。

歡迎回家! 寶貝小欣!

